Ready to get started with your German branding campaign?

We’ll take your English, Italian, or French marketing assets and create German translations that perfectly reflect your company’s messaging. We’ll make sure that your branding really speaks to your German customers.

Our service: transcreation

Whether it’s a catchy slogan or a newsletter that just begs to be read, your German branding needs to be carefully tailored to your new target audience. And much of that tailoring happens in between the lines. But standard translations often totally miss the mark—a clever play on words can sound clumsy, strange, or even disturbing if it isn’t handled correctly!

That’s where transcreation comes in. In transcreation, we do more than just translate the words on the page—we look at the meaning behind them. By adapting the messaging to your new target group, we ensure that your message has the same impact in the new language as it did in the original.


We take your English, French, or Italian texts and carefully craft a German adaptation.

Here are some examples of the types of documents we usually work with:

  • Website content

  • Blog articles

  • Social media posts

  • Posters

  • News- & promotional letters

  • Brochures and product catalogues

  • Case studies

  • Whitepapers

  • Presentations

  • Customer magazines

  • Magazines

  • Press releases

  • Job postings

  • German branding style guides


Our workflow


Request & quote

After we receive your inquiry, we’ll usually schedule a short call to discuss the project and clear up any questions. After that, we’ll put together a quote that includes a breakdown of costs and a delivery schedule. Once you give us the green light, we move on to the next stage.


Creative briefing

To make sure that our adaptation is spot-on, we’ll work with you to define the key elements of your project and learn more about the target audience, your products/services, and your expectations for the translation.



Once we’ve gathered all the key information and identified the core message of your text, we start gathering ideas and images to help us craft your message for the German market, bit by bit. It’s a creative process that can require several drafts, rewrites, constructive feedback, and fine-tuning.



We send you the first draft of your freshly transcreated text, so you have a chance to go through everything and let us know what you think.


Revision & delivery

We take your feedback on board and make the necessary changes before sending you the final version. Our quote includes two rounds of revisions.

Our Specializations


Business & Websites

Most companies invest considerable time and money in their internal and external communication. After all, communication helps to establish a brand image and build trust with customers, partners, and staff. And it’s not just the words on the page that matter—it’s the overall message, which is also found “between the lines”. That’s why it’s so crucial to bring across all the nuances of your message into your German branding.

Website content is especially tricky. Web copy has to connect with readers instantly and entice them to read on—otherwise they’ll be gone in a click. And choosing the right keywords is essential for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keywords can’t just be translated—each one needs to be researched to find the right keywords for each language and target region.

IT, Apps & Games

Whether you want to launch your app in Germany or convince IT decision-makers to make a major investment, transcreations for the tech industry present a special challenge. Creating successful IT translations requires a healthy dose of technical expertise and business know-how—in addition to creativity.

On top of that, user interfaces need to be adapted to the expectations and technical knowledge of users in the target region. And video game transcreations need to find the right blend of gaming jargon and authenticity. The gaming community won’t be impressed by clumsy translations that ruin the gaming experience.


IT, Apps & Games

Whether you want to launch your app in Germany or convince IT decision-makers to make a major investment, transcreations for the tech industry present a special challenge. Creating successful IT translations requires a healthy dose of technical expertise and business know-how—in addition to creativity.

On top of that, user interfaces need to be adapted to the expectations and technical knowledge of users in the target region. And video game transcreations need to find the right blend of gaming jargon and authenticity. The gaming community won’t be impressed by clumsy translations that ruin the gaming experience.


Medicine & Pharmaceuticals

It goes without saying that medical and pharmaceutical transcreations should only be done by experienced translators with in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. But in the health sector, in particular, it isn’t just about what is said. How it is said is also crucial. That’s true whether you want to convince patients of the benefits of a cutting-edge treatment, communicate news of a product launch to external employees, or explain the value of an expensive therapeutic device.

Tourism & Gastronomy

We each have our own idea of what makes a perfect trip. That’s why, when working on a transcreation for the tourism industry, we need to put ourselves in the customer’s shoes and get a feel for their wants, needs and wanderlust.

Some elements of the text (like regional specialties, customs, and landmarks) might need to be explained to readers who are not yet familiar with the area. And food-related texts are also—quite literally—a matter of taste. It’s key to use vivid language that appeals to the senses (and the palate).


Tourism & Gastronomy

We each have our own idea of what makes a perfect trip. That’s why, when working on a transcreation for the tourism industry, we need to put ourselves in the customer’s shoes and get a feel for their wants, needs and wanderlust.

Some elements of the text (like regional specialties, customs, and landmarks) might need to be explained to readers who are not yet familiar with the area. And food-related texts are also—quite literally—a matter of taste. It’s key to use vivid language that appeals to the senses (and the palate).


Fashion & Lifestyle

When it comes to fashion, lifestyle and beauty products, it’s all about finding the right words and tone—and highlighting a brand’s USP, of course. These kinds of texts put the focus on the customer’s individuality. A bold pair of glasses speak volumes about the wearer’s personality, while a pair of loose-fitting pants are designed to suit her lifestyle. 

Appealing to the customer’s emotions is crucial, especially when it comes to premium products. After all, with these types of purchases, people want to fulfill a desire, be it small or large.